About us

Who we are

We are a team of change-makers who believe that every helping hand can create a better future for our society

We started with a clear vision of how-to be a blessing to our country by creating peace between each other and extending help to those who are in need. This effort intensified when we found that there were many such underprivileged people who needed help with empowerment, skill acquisition and education. Our team expanded and we spread out in different regions to make sure we cover all possible areas and help as many people as possible.

Our approach

Our Mission
To promote the sanctity of life and wellbeing of the vulnerable through advocacy, partnership and networking for the right protection and provision of enabling environment.
Our Vision
A world devoid of prejudice or discrimination but with fairness on the basis of gender, religion, color, social or political beliefs.
Our Objective

✓ To promote social, religious integration, economic sustenance and educational development of the people.

✓ To promote peace and unity through early conflict resolution among communities and Nations.

✓ Promotion of social justice and poverty alleviation program.

✓ To strengthen good governance and to promote youth empowerment and gender equality

Our Activities

✓ Provision of psychosocial and legal support to victims of violence, child abuse, rape etc.

✓ Provision of framework on rights protection and increased access to support services.

✓ Provision of advocacy services and assistance for the overall tranquility in the society

✓ Provision of assistance to families, orphans and the vulnerable in the society including promotion of peace and reconciliation.

✓ Provision of humanitarian assistance/support to victims of disaster.

✓ Provision of information and education on social, religious and economic integration for development

✓ Provision of support to communities and households on mental health

✓ To work and collaborate with other development partners in order to achieve sustainable development.

✓ To organize public meetings, seminars, workshops, conferences, lectures and exhibitions on poverty reduction strategies.

Our numbers speaks.

Our numbers push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.

Girl Child Helped
0 K+
Family Conferences
0 +
Mental Health Support
0 +
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Blissful Initiative
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